Located in the South Granville neighborhood of Vancouver is Shannon Park, Shannon Mews Park, Montgomery Park, Vancouver Hebrew Academy, and Sir William Osler Elementary School.
The South Granville neighborhood of Vancouver is family friendly, about 43% of the homes have children at home under 15 years of age. In the South Granville neighborhood of Vancouver, about 85% of occupants own their own home and about 52% of the homes in the South Granville neighborhood were constructed before 2000.
The South Granville neighborhood has a diverse work force – more than 70% of the labour force for the Point Grey neighborhood consists of occupations in the trades, transport, business, finance, and management industries.
The South Granville neighborhood of Vancouver is a lovely neighborhood with fantastic views of the North Shore Mountains and downtown Vancouver. The South Granville neighborhood of Vancouver has a wide selection of single family homes, duplexes, heritage homes, multi-family dwellings, and a growing selection of townhomes and spacious condominiums. Buyers will find great conveniences and accessibility in one of Canada’s most livable downtown cores along with fantastic views of the city skyline and water views.
South Granville Homes For Sale
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South Granville – Neighborhood Video
South Granville – Neighborhood Photos
Vancouver Neighborhoods
Coal Harbour
False Creek
MacKenzie Heights
Point Grey
South West Marine
South Cambie
South Granville
UBC University
West End
Coal Harbour
Downtown (west)
Downtown (east)
West End
South Granville Price History: Detached Homes
South Granville Price History: Town Homes
South Granville Price History: Condominiums
South Granville Benchmark Price
The MLS® HPI (Home Price Index) Benchmark Price represents the current expected sales price for a typical or “Benchmark” home in the South Granville neighbourhood of Vancouver.
The MLS® HPI takes into consideration what averages and medians do not – variables such as lot size, age, number of rooms, etc. The most commonly traded set of these variables describes the composite of the typical or ‘benchmark’ property type in the South Granville neighbourhood of Vancouver. Prices paid for homes with these variables determine benchmark home prices.